> One more handy swipe at the us.  Deserving or not, I would amend that
> statement to read: the worst fears people have about the U.S. and Great
> Britain, since Britain has been just as guilty of the things we are blamed
> for as we have, or our government has rather.  And Randy is right, we
> deserve it.  There are plenty of us that don't support G. Bush, never did
> and never will.
> mack
> >
> > > The news that Bush is prepared to use nukes is terrifying and confirms
> > > the worst fears that people have about the USA. And Blair is going
> > > with this.
> >
> > > What it will do is blow us all to hell. And we deserve it really.
> >
> > No, we don't deserve it. What we deserve is to wrestle power
> > from the madmen that have it and dismantle the instruments of
> > death and make this world the Eden it could be.
> > Peace is still a good idea,
> > RR

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