Hey, Will, I relate to your dilemma.  broken strings, minutes lost in 
the translation of tunings, what's a poor street singer to do?  Well, 
here's another tip, other than staying stranded in concert tuning...

The Crazy Cries of Love is in CGDEGC which in Joni Notation is X77235
If you go to www.jmdl.com/guitar and select this generic tuning, 
seven other Joni songs come up with the same (or very similar) 

Passion Play
Cherokee Louise
Night Ride Home
God Must Be a Boogie Man
Cool Water
Love Puts On A New Face
Sunny Sunday
Yvette in English

joni calls this playing in a "family of tunings."  That should cover 
about 40 minutes of excellent entertainment and some clinking of 
coins in your case!  You'll be on your way to Jonifest in no time. 

take care, sue  (you see I've embarked on a mission to spread 
alternation among the masses...)  :-)

At 3:00 AM -0500 3/10/02, onlyJMDL Digest wrote:
>Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 08:56:45 -0600
>From: "William Waddell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Not For Free
>What to do Baba? I know, I'll retune for a quick rendition
>of Crazy Cries. That'll get their hands delving into their pockets. Three
>minutes later, while attempting C77235, the cold has no sympathy for the
>stretching strings and scheckt ... there goes my G string. Minutes pass as
>do the scurrying Glaswegians. Ok, the Crazy Cries. Lovely. Attention at
>last. The clinking of a few more brown coins. "Another one like that,"
>shouts a man of some commendable taste. "Aye, just let me retune." D57543
>this time. I look up and the faces have changed. Where's my man of
>commendable taste?
>     You get my point - three minutes of my dulcet tones stretched to eight
>if I sing the chorus several times, then the same in silence whilst I
>retune. Time is money. How many pennies does it take to get to the JoniFest
>and back? 55545 - going for a song.
>Willy the Shake


"Heart and humor and humility
    will lighten up your heavy load ... " - Joni Mitchell

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