On my plight with stranded tuning Susan replied quite rightly;
     <Ahh, Will, go ahead and retune, we won't tell anyone!! Believe me, 
once you start alternating you will never return to the stranded island! :-) 
Thanks for the sound advice. Picture it, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, on a 
dreich Thursday afternoon. The perkiest wind is carrying the hail sideways 
the length of the busiest shopping thoroughfare in the city. By Marks & 
Spencers, I am standing on a noisy corner with a clapped out guitar hanging 
from my shoulders and looking down somewhat forlornly at an up-turned 
baseball cap with a sorry scattering of brown coins strewn therein. My hands 
are seizing up. It's bloody chilly Willy. So I keep the busking songs 
a-coming real quick-fire. Nobody stops to hear me even though I'm playing so 
sweet and high. What to do Baba? I know, I'll retune for a quick rendition 
of Crazy Cries. That'll get their hands delving into their pockets. Three 
minutes later, while attempting C77235, the cold has no sympathy for the 
stretching strings and scheckt ... there goes my G string. Minutes pass as 
do the scurrying Glaswegians. Ok, the Crazy Cries. Lovely. Attention at 
last. The clinking of a few more brown coins. "Another one like that," 
shouts a man of some commendable taste. "Aye, just let me retune." D57543 
this time. I look up and the faces have changed. Where's my man of 
commendable taste?
    You get my point - three minutes of my dulcet tones stretched to eight 
if I sing the chorus several times, then the same in silence whilst I 
retune. Time is money. How many pennies does it take to get to the JoniFest 
and back? 55545 - going for a song.
Willy the Shake

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