Hi guys,

Another day, week, approaching a month of dire frustration with my, and many 
people's, "favorite" isp.  Even as i type with the TV in the background, 
their ad for version 7 is on.  Why are those people happy?  AOL does not, at 
any time of the day or night, answer the phone (I did not have this problem 
when i was signing on!!!).  Whoever told me to be aware that aol constantly 
writes onto one's hard disk, thanks -- you weren't whistlin' dixie.  I just 
threw out another 20 megs of crapola, the source of which was guess who, but 
the purpose of which was redundant, pointless or nil.  My computer's working 
a micron faster (I know, wrong measurement), but the browser STILL DOESN'T 
WORK.  I can still get to a home page, but that's all (so e.g. I can get to 
the tablature database, but can't do a search).  I am so f*cking frustrated.  
(btw, to whoever suggested taking the back off and making sure there wasn't a 
dust clog, thanks, probably a good idea in any case, but I think the problem 
runs deeper).

Yes, I need a new ISP, but even if I do, chasing down all of the foolish 
extra, space-eating files still hiding around will be a chore -- hey, here 
(instead of more bitching) is a question:

How (i.e., is there any way) to get rid of "locked" files?  Seems hard to 
do...  I tried moving all sorts of installation thingies that I can't imagine 
needing anymore (since I neither have, nor use, the actual applications) to 
new folders and then dumping them with mixed success, but it ain't easy. But 
is there some better procedure?  I don't know.

What I really need, I know is (a) a new computer (I've got an aging, 
hand-me-down Mac that can't do much of anything i want to do; certainly no 
lsitening to or downloading of music), and (b) a new isp.  I'm poor, but 
there is some hope.  An old loan is being repayed this month (what is a poor 
person doing, giving people loans?  I can't bear to see a friend out on the 
street, so I've been known to pay friend's rent when they're in extremis), 
and I got a b-day comin' up, and will try to pool the funds enough to get 
s.t. new with an isp built in (other than aol, with god as my witness).  So 
maybe by a few weeks from now, I'll be a happier camper.

Thanks for letting me blow off steam.  My life partner and i have been dealt 
a deeply disappointing blow (in short, the house we were supposed to move 
into isn't going to happen in the near future, as planned, because of the 
machinations of an evil "sister-in-law"), and the 'net -- and very 
specifically, you guys -- keep me sane.

Not crazy yet, and with great fondness,

"Almost Whacky" Walt

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