> It's chilling enough to see the broken New York skyline as it
> is today without the memory of this horrible attack lighting up the skies
> over lower Manhattan for decades to come.

I see your point. however, this idea does appeal to me. It makes me think of all
those souls, radiant, light, leaving here and moving on.

> As it is, anyone who witnessed the
> destruction of the towers in real life or on TV will never forget it anyway.

I have heard people say that they rememeber clearly the day Kennedy was shot, The
Bay of Pigs crisis and the Moon Landings. I remeber none of those.

I recall vividly Sept 11th. i know exactlly what I was doing. I had just taken a
break from my knitting. Swithced on the tv and channle hopped. The first channel
was shwoing some disater novie. So so was the next channel. then the next. and
the next. My stomach lurched and I realised I was not watching a disater movie.
My heart clenched, my throat went dry and my mind couldn't comphrehend fully. i
kept hoping I was dreaming. I sat there for the next 2 days. literally. Couldn't
do anything else but the essentials.
the horror experinced by those people in the planes. The nighmare for those in
the towers. and worse for those whose loved ones were int he plance and towers.
what awful awful pain was now let loose.
Up until that day, i had lost the fear i had grown up with of the world coming to
end. Up until then i thought we had finally begun to sort the shit out and were
heading towards peace. up till then i thought we had a chance. Up till then i had
lost this silly idea that I would not grow old. The events since have only
increased my pessimism.

However, if the worst comes, then we too will rise like that beam of light and
will be at peace.......

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