The reason
> I write Colin to lead this off is that I learned of the Sept. 11 attack
when I
> turned on the computer, went to the JMDL, and there was a post from Colin
> telling us that it had happened.  It will forever be etched in my mind
> way.
> mack

That's exactly what happened to me as well, Mack.  Got up that morning
opened email & at first didn't believe it.  Then I turned on the tv and my
stomach turned over 4 or 5 times.

And in regard to this thread, Les, I owe you and the list an apology.  After
installing Windows XP we had trouble with the computer and Travis ended up
having to start from scratch, reconstructing everything once or twice.  In
the process, all of my email files went to the Land of Lost Data and the
9/11 posts I was saving for Les to archive on the JMDL site went with them.

Mark E in Seattle

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