Mack wrote:

> I learned of the Sept. 11 attack when I turned on the computer,
> went to the JMDL, and there was a post from Colin telling us
> that it had happened.  It will forever be etched in my mind that
> way.

I'll never forget the day of the attacks.  I was on my way home from the US
(Jonifest), on what was probably one of the last United Airlines flights
still in the air.  We arrived back in Auckland about 6am NZ time, which was
around 9-10am NYC time (from memory).  As we taxied in to the terminal, an
announcement was made that there had been a "world event" and we should stay
seated until they could inform us.  United Airlines staff and police boarded
the plane, and we were told of the terrorist attacks, and that this flight
(which was due to carry on to Australia) was immediately grounded, and we
should depart the aircraft as quickly as possible.  Initially we were told
that the Empire State building had been levelled, and it wasn't until we
reached the first television inside the terminal that we saw what had
actually happened.  The passengers on the flight were mainly American, and
in complete shock (along with the rest of us), and the staff were completely
distraught - many would have lost friends in the hijacked planes.  It was
also fairly disturbing to realise that we were in the air when it all
happened.  I'd also flown from Washington DC to LA on the "same" flight as
was hijacked, but 4 days earlier, and had been driving around Manhattan with
Lori and William a week before.

Not a day I'll quickly forget.


P.S.  I wasn't born when Kennedy was shot, and I was only 3 for the Apollo
11 landing - I was probably more interested in my teddy bear than Neil
"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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