
Well yes, maybe.  If you're saying it's a shame for
everyone, and there are no winners, then yeah, I

If on the other hand, you're implying that Devil
America has killed more souls than it had a right to;
if you're saying that somehow Devil America should
have stopped when it hit the magic number (when
retaliation was achieved), then no, I don't agree.

For reasons why retaliation doesn't work, look at the
West Bank.

I don't know if your count of casualties in
Afghanistan includes the dead American servicemen.  It
should.  They are the ONLY heros.  Those guys are
ridding the world of terrorists who are willing to
kill schoolchildren merely because they represent a
foreign lifestyle.  If Winston Churchill were alive
today, he'd be 100% behind the American troops.

Our President Kennedy once said,
"If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can
help make the world safe for diversity."

A very old JMDLer used to close every post with this:
"Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance"


P.S.  Perhaps more to the point, Colin, is this quote.
 Do you remember the singer?

"The place where I come from
 the people don't grow on trees
 (except for some of the boys) and
 you can't treat people like meat
 without being 
 ** brought down** 
 to your knees
 now and then, (now bay-beee)."


The author formerly known as Catman wrote:

>>being the 6 month anniversary today, the news is all
about Sept 11th.  The death toll is down to under
2,800 or so with just under 200 missing.  The death
toll of men, women and children, in Afghanistan is
3800.  Just.>>
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