Jim L'Hommedieu wrote:

> Colin,
> Well yes, maybe.  If you're saying it's a shame for
> everyone, and there are no winners, then yeah, I
> agree.

what i said was quite clear. I gave the amounts killed. No comment. How
you interpret is up to you.
I didn;t mention 'devil america'. Stupid if I did as this involves the
And you wonder why i feel the US can be insular!

> If on the other hand, you're implying that Devil
> America has killed more souls than it had a right to;
> if you're saying that somehow Devil America should
> have stopped when it hit the magic number (when
> retaliation was achieved), then no, I don't agree.

I don't think any should have been killed.

>  terrorists who are willing to
> kill schoolchildren merely because they represent a
> foreign lifestyle.

3800 men women and children killed by us and uk bombs.

The attacks are not about 'foreign lifestyles'though it seems it suits
people to think so.

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