>>>Accordng to Dubya, anyone who uses drugs is helping fund terrorists to
fund their wars & agendas.<<<

These commercials are all over tv...

>>>we have not taken any major steps in alleviating our reliance.  The oil
&auto industies and their ties to most of the past administrations has
played a huge part in this.<<<

they are still winning:
WASHINGTON, March 13  The Senate rejected a measure today to stiffen
fuel-efficiency requirements for cars and trucks, once again resolving the
perennial battle between environmentalists and the automobile industry in
favor of the industry.

>>>the Russians did develop the "suitcase nukes" as I recall.  But  I too
fail to see how this changes anything.  To be the leader of the free world,
and to be throwing around disturbing threats like this is reckless.<<<

a few months ago the US population was concerned that the terrorists might
have these  suitcase nukes & use them here...& now...if it is true that the
US is considering using them, this is absolute insanity...

>>>Speaking of Bush, I about did a Danny Thomas coffee take this AM when I
read in the paper that Dubya is not going to recognize Mr. Mugabe, the
President of Zimbabwe, because the ELECTION WAS FLAWED!!!!<<<

Oh my gawd Bob, thank you for this! LMAOROTF..this is great news because I
have been looking for a justifiable reason not to recognize Dubya as

Kate Bennett
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