since we're on the subject of conservation i thought some of you might find
this interesting.  for those of you who think this is another version of
spam-------i apologize.  this is the last i chime in on this subject.  thanks
for you patience.  gene

YES, you've heard about the Arctic drilling issue many times,
but have you heard the TRUTH? In the next week, the U.S. Senate
will vote, and pro-drillers are sending out all kinds of misleading
arguments to push this bill through easily. We have the REAL STORY!


** Pro-drillers are claiming that only 2,000 acres of the Arctic
refuge will be affected. THE TRUTH: refuge oil is scattered and oil
companies will need to create miles of pipelines and roads all across
the Refuge. These pro-drillers are only counting the ground that actually
touches the posts or other drilling equipment towards that 2,000 acres; bare
ground under the pipeline and roads that destroy the landscape isn't
included, even though it's damaged for wildlife.

** Drilling in the Refuge won't cut prices at the pump! This oil is
a drop of oil in the global bucket, not enough to really effect prices.

** Even if Arctic drilling occurs, lengthy processing and drilling
will prevent us from seeing any Arctic oil for 10 years and then it
will only last 6 MONTHS!

** A mere two-mile-per-gallon improvement in auto efficiency would
save that same amount of oil in under 3 years, and keep on saving.

** Arctic Drilling WILL NOT reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
The U.S. has 2.8% of the world's known petroleum reserves. We
consume over 25% of all oil produced. Refuge oil would AT MOST,
increase our reserves by a mere 1% percent -- we'll need to get
the remaining 21% percent from foreign producers.

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