Right, gene.
Arctic drilling is a boondoggle for the corporations that get the
lucrative gov't contracts.
Although, from what I hear, because of the jobs it will provide,
many Alaskans are for it.
Thanks for the good info.

gene mock wrote:

> will prevent us from seeing any Arctic oil for 10 years and then it
> will only last 6 MONTHS!
> ** A mere two-mile-per-gallon improvement in auto efficiency would
> save that same amount of oil in under 3 years, and keep on saving.
> ** Arctic Drilling WILL NOT reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
> The U.S. has 2.8% of the world's known petroleum reserves. We
> consume over 25% of all oil produced. Refuge oil would AT MOST,
> increase our reserves by a mere 1% percent -- we'll need to get
> the remaining 21% percent from foreign producers.

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