A tangent to this discussion but here is a scary incident of just how inept
airport security is right now.

When we flew back from NYC (Kennedy) recently to Santa Barbara, we had two
bags to check. One of them had all our music gear, cds, harmonicas, plastic
string winder, strings, tuner, and WIRE CUTTERS. Of course after we went
through x-ray, the contents required them to do a careful search & at each
item I explained what it was used for. I was laughing a bit because they
were really looking closely at the harmonicas & the string winder. And
looking at us & then the CD covers...I told them we were musicians.

So when they were finished & asked if we were checking that bag. We said yes
& they said okay go ahead. We went over to check the bags & I said, that is
weird, they are taking our word that we aren't bringing this bag on as a
carry on (it was small enough), well I guess we will go through another
x-ray machine later. We didn't. We could have carried on those wire cutters
& no one would have known.

Flying out of tiny SB Airport we had to take off our shoes...but not out of

>>>I also feel - that yes - some of the airport security is out of line.  I
hope no one here will
take this and blow it out of proportion.  But some of the cavity searches,
shoe removals and
extensive bag checks will and are leading to the government's knowing just
too much about our
personal business.<<<

Kate Bennett
sponsored by Polysonics
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