Well, I've found this current debate on politics so
stimulating and thought provoking, I'm going to be
brave and foolish and put forth an idea that I've been
forming for a while about religion.

I've come up with a belief system that I haven't really
seen expressed like this anywhere. Maybe someone can
tell me if there's a denomination that believes in
something similar.

First off, I don't see God as a separate whole being
who created heaven (whatever that is) and earth. I
think of the creation and the creator as the same
thing. That means that God's not perfect and God
doesn't have a plan, and God doesn't judge anyone.
Instead, I think of God as being (ok I'm embarassed
that I can't think of a better way to put this) kind of
like "the Force" in the Star Wars movies. I guess you
could call it the spirit that exists in and connects
everything. I also think the purpose of all this is to
nurture the God in all of us and in everything. And
this also explains prayer as a sort of subliminal
communication that can, if conditions are right,
influence the force that is God.

Anyway, that's the short description. From what I've
said, does anyone know if this belief system is
expressed in any known religion?

lots of love

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