I suppose that it does ensure a good turnout but not sure how good of an idea
that it is.  The place in which I work has approximately 30-35 employees.
Rosalie and I are the only ones there that do vote, on a regular basis.  There
are 2 or so others that vote sometimes.  How do I know, because I ask them?  I
often get upset when they tell me that are not going to vote and most reply
that they have never voted.  The usual comments are made such as "it doesn't
make any difference, it is only one vote",etc. , etc." , "I don't know who to
vote for", "I don't have time."  Even when I try to discuss the issues with
them, they are not interested.  That is why I am not sure that requiring
people to vote would be such a good idea.  There are many people who are not,
and the majority I would guess, going to become involved or learn the issues
or the candidates, they are just going to cast their votes and depart.  Then
again, I wonder if those elected by that kind of a system would be any better
or worse than what we have now.  Sounds very cynical and that is sad, even to
me, for that is what I have learned from the political system in this country,
or politics in general.


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