A government of the people, by the people, for the people?

Those words were spoken in 1863, 87 years (four score and seven) years
after the Declaration of Independence.  Those words were spoken in the
midst of a civil war in which states succeeded from the union, commited
treason against the United State, over the issue of "states rights" or
specifically, slavery.

In 1776, blacks were most enslvaed (there were a handful of free blacks)
but none could vote and in the later US Constitution were defined as 3/5
of a human being for census purposes.  Women could not vote.  Native
Americans could not vote and of course were not citizens.

A sidenote: Robert E. Lee never spent a day in jail for leading the Army
of Northern Virginbia in war from 1861 through 1865 against the  United
States.  Lincoln's policy of "malice towards none, charity for all
prevailed in the wake of his assassination.  Remember that when we
consider the matter of John Walker Lindh, who it would seem never fired
a shot in anger against US forces, having found himself in a situation
he could not expect, and was out of it within weeks.  Whatever John
Walker Lindh did was far, far less than Robert E. Lee iniating,
planning, and waging war against the United States for a five year
period with an aim of destroying the Union.  As we let the confederate
soldiers go home with their guns and mules, to rebuild their lives, our
American history compels us to let John Walker Lindh go home to rebuild
his life.

Lincoln's  "of the people, by the people, for the people" was his hope,
but it was his reality.  Blacks could not vote, and it can be arguably
affirmed that even now we need the Civil Rights Voting Act in force to
ensure the rights of African Americans to vote in this day, in 2002, or
not have the votes diluted in gerrymandered districts.  Many of us
recall vividly the civil rights era - which was in part to get the votes
for blacks - over 100 tears after  "of the people, by the people, for
the people".  People gave their lives to secure the rights of blacks to
vote, as recently as the 1960s.

Women have been allowed to vote since roughly 1920.  That is 82 years
out of 226 years since the American Revolution.  So women have been
included in the govenment  "of the people, by the people, for the
people" for only about 36% of our country's history.  I'm not proud of

Asian Americans and Latino Americans have had similar struggles in
getting the vote and being included in  "of the people, by the people,
for the people.'

We must all remeber that in our country's beginning the right of white
males to vote was limited to those who owned land.  People withoiut
property could not vote.

 "of the people, by the people, for the people" seems a huge joke since
Florida 2000.  Not just what happened on Election Day, but the tactics
of Jeb Bush in the months prior - the disenfranchisement of African
Emerican men by the thousands tossed off the voting rolls, in a
cleansing for their supposedly having felony convictions which it later
turned out, they did not have, but by then, the electiopn was over.  The
whole Florida experience rebuts the idea that we have  "of the people,
by the people, for the people."

Special interests: the fur industry in the 1700s (whence trhe Astors
made their money), the train interests in the 1800s who called the
giovernment shots,  tehn silver ang gold mine owners in the depression
of 1893, then banking interests in the 1910s,  then oil interests from
Teapot Dome in the 1920s to the Gulf War of 1991 and Bush's energy
policies and Enron  Goverment  "of the people, by the people, for the
people" my ass.  Not when the Vice President refuses to release the name
sof who who were the contributors to the energy plannign meetings held
in secret.  No govenment  "of the people, by the people, for the people"
in Cheny.  None in Bush, who has delayed federal law in releasing the
documents of the Reagan administration and even filed his own governor
papers - not in Texas with the state where he was governor but rather in
his father's presidential, library where they are outside the scope of
texas law- so that what the public records of what Bush was doing as
governor will; be kept from "of the people, by the people, for the

 "of the people, by the people, for the people"  Bullshit.  20% voted in
California.  Feel good!  In our Michigan recent local elections, we had
one township that has 12%, and they were the high for the area.

 "of the people, by the people, for the people"  Not when the McCain
Feingold bill was fought so vigorously by the lobbiests; it only passed
because Bush's largest campaign contributor, Kenneth Lay, was head of
Enron, and the stentch of that permeated the Congress.

 "of the people, by the people, for the people"  Name one congressional
action, or executive action, that will lead to voting reform in the next
election so we can avoid another Florida.

 "of the people, by the people, for the people"  In Chicago this week, W
will pose for poictures for $10,000 and you can get "face time" with him
for $25,000, all moneies to the party,  The people whp do not have
$10,000 oe $25,000 will have no contact wuth their president.   "of the
people, by the people, for the people" my ass.

Lincoln's Gettsyburg address with its closing words that  government of
the people, by the people, for the people shall not pas from the face of
the earth was as prayer that we might one day have such.   It is a
goal,  It is an ideal,  It is an idea,  It is that which we are caled to
work for.

It is not reality.  To cite a hope as reality is to do a diservice to
the hope and to deny the relaity.

Bush and Cheney are pissants.  Gore and Lieberman, while I supported
them wholeheartedly, were just pissants with a conscious.  Nadar was an
egomanic destroyer,  What we need these days is a new Lincoln who will
call us again to what  "of the people, by the people, for the people"
will mean as we live out our American vision.

To be with some hope, I do suspect that Sen John Edwards of SC and Sen
Evan Bayh of Ind offer hope that they have a vision that is in accord
with  "of the people, by the people, for the people".  Failing their
candidacies, perhaps Gov Gray Davis might be out best choice as, while
lacking vision, is a tehnician with his heart in the right place,
Mybe, as Eugene Mccarthy rose up late in 1967 to be a force in 1968, we
have another voice yet to be heard which will call us to a higher plan.

 "of the people, by the people, for the people"  What a joke.  Itr is is
the civic lesson, and it is a joke.  The last election ended in fraud
and was conducted without a single idea, arguing over tax cuts instead
of looking at what issues and responsibilies lay ahead for our nation.

And this is avoiding the luncay of 6 months of Bush action is to giv e
us color coded terrorism alert - what a farce - and a shadow goverment
that operates totally outside the US Constitution.  (They left out the
legislative branch, the judicial branch, and all the protections oand
procedures of the consitution: the foundng fathers would so disown this
leaving all power in an unamed, secret shadow executive brach, which by
it definition, is tyranny.

aren;t you all say that I delurked.

And I haven't even begun on the nuclear issue and the little failure to
capture Osama bin laden, which is what it was about, and that we are
setting the stage to go to war with Iraq - was Osama just a pretext?
Does this administration have a thought or policy that it can hold from
one day to the next>  They drift in the wind, buffeted by ever current,
and have no idea what they are doing, other than color codes for us all!

If Sting were to wriote a new song, would Rozanne have to turn off the
red light because it now indicates the hiugets state or terrorism
alert?  Next tinme I drive, what do I do when I see  yellow light?

Tom Ridge and his color coding, the best this administration can offer,
ahs given us avery bad, lame Saturday Night Live skit and called it
actual policy.
The clowns are running Washington.

God save the people.

(the Rev) Vince

and Joni, sing Sex Kills again - you are so right on, my dear.

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