Kate Bennett wrote:

> Great information Randy, thank you!
> Yes, I have heard some talk of this hydrogen technology & it sounds so
> promising...isn't the byproduct water somehow?

Yes!   One of Hydrogen's drawbacks is that it is very explosive-
They used to use it in blimps, after the Hindenburg they went to Helium.
It just requires very careful safety measures and really tough storage
tanks. We'll be seeing more and more of it. Dinosaurs, be gone!

> It makes sense if two of the
> H's mix with one O...LOL...
> Our dream is to get off the grid...we get lots of wind & sun here & want to
> be able to run our house on these energy sources..

I've been off the grid since 1977...although sometimes my dream is to
have PG&E!!! In alot of ways, alternative power is a pain in the ass,
besides being expensive. I run a 32 track ADAT studio off my solar/
gen system. My 110 power is a cleaner wave than the utilities, no
buzz at all (from having the right sinewave inverter). My lights are DC.
Refrigeration is propane, heat is wood, my phone is a radio job.
Since you live in S.Cal, solar would be a good choice, and, as I said,
California will pay for half of it, and you can sell your excess power
back to the utilities. Advance Power of Calpella, CA is a pioneer in
these types of systems. I suggest giving them a call when you are
ready to get into it. And if you don't already have them, get the catalogs
from Jade Mountain and Real Goods-they are full of information
and applications-they'll run you 10 or 15 bucks apiece. Also, Real
Goods' solar fair in Hopland every summer is a hoot, with all kinds of
booths (and music from the solar-powered stage).  That's where I
first met folks making their own fuel cells and hydrogen stuff.

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