w evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Speaking of Bush, I about did a Danny Thomas coffee take this AM when
>>I read in the paper that Dubya is not going to recognize Mr. Mugabe, the
>>President of Zimbabwe, because the ELECTION WAS FLAWED!!!!
>> GEORGE BUSH?? Not acknowledging an elected official because **their**
>>election was flawed???? As Paul Simon would say..."who do you think you're
>> Luckily I didn't have a mouthful of java, because I was laughing so hard
>>I almost coughed up a lung.
>This is the second time in the last few days someone's said something like
>this (and I'm not attributing the quotes because I happen to like the
>posters very much and don't want any debating to get personal) and if it
>were still Dec-00 or Jan-01 I could see saying this, but last summer there
>were multiple reports about recounts, including one in
>the New York Times (hardly a big supporter of the GOP) declaring that
>under every conceivable recount scenario in Florida Bush would have wound
>up with the most votes, regardless of what the Supreme Court decided.
>(and no, I am not a Republican)
>There aren't any facts left under which to claim that anyone stole the
>election--- a year ago, maybe, but not now.

All recount scenarios aside, there are indeed facts left under which the 
claim can assuredly be made that Bush stole the election, with big help from 
his brother Jeb, governor of the state in which the election was stolen ("but 
it's just a coincidence that his brother is governor of Florida," I can hear 
people protesting. Yeah, right.)

Here's one fact:

Secretary of State Katherine Harris hired a firm to "cleanse" the voter rolls 
of felons. Unfortunately, many people, perhaps thousands, who had the 
misfortune to have the same name as a felon but were themselves not a felon, 
were prevented from voting. And guess what? Many of them were black! (Just a 
"coincidence" that most would have voted for Gore?) For more on this see: 

Here's another fact:

2000 Jews, most of them elderly, did not intend to vote for Pat Buchanan and 
were confused by the butterfly ballot. Even Buchanan himself admits this. 
2000 votes that would mostly have gone for Gore, and there's your election. 
For more on this I refer you to the book "Jews for Buchanan," by John 
Nichols, published in November 2001 by New Press.

(By the way, stealing presidential elections is nothing new, nor is it the 
exclusive domain of any one party but rather the province of big money 
interests; Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley helped JFK's father steal the 1960 
election. In this sense, Ralph Nader, Michael Moore, and many others are 
correct that there isn't much difference between Democrats and Republicans. 
However, as we can surely see now, Nader was very wrong that there isn't 
*any* difference, and those minor differences have become very crucial.)


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