Mack writes:

<< Does anyone else watch the Chris Isaak show?  It is on after Queer as 
Folk. They are talking about Joni.  The girl on the show is going to have 
lunch with Joni.  This might be a rerun but I haven't seen it before. >>

Missed it, Mack. But THANKS! for the latest addition to the upcoming Joni in 
Fiction section of the JMDL, appearing soon on screens everywhere. 

Thanks to Les, we're all just days away from being able to click on to the 
Joni in Fiction site and report any new sightings of Joni in books, films, 
visions, poetry, plays, hallucinations, and even on TV. 

At the new Joni in Fiction page, we can all look forward to discovering how 
our lovable Joan ends up in more interesting places than Waldo -- or even 
Jimmy! This section of the JMDL, like Bob Muller's most excellent covers, 
will depend upon help from the list to grow. So if you see Joni in Fiction -- 
report it! It's easy. 

Joni mentions are everywhere these days . . . and from Stephen King's redrum 
to Tom Cruise's bedroom, they'll all be coming at you soon -- with Joni in 
Fiction on the JMDL!  


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