I saw the fabulous Diana Krall tonight!!! (or last night..it's 2:30AM) WOW!  
Still high, high, high.  My friend Andre, bought me her video that they were 
selling after the show:Diana Krall Live In Paris.  The final song that she 
does for her encore on the video is "A Case Of You"  Unfortunately,she did 
not do it last night.  My heart was not in it to yell to request that she 
sing it.  Not too far back from the stage we were able to give her a bouquet 
of roses.  She genuinely seemed touched and thanked me.....with a big smile 
and a nod.  Then she invited us after the show to the Westin Hotel for some 
Vodka tonics......Warning!!  Warning!!  Writers embellishment.  Too late  to 
write anymore on this....but I would encourage everyone.. if she is in a 
city near you, GO, she is well worth it.  (you get your moneys worth and she 
leaves you wanting more,more,more) (she told the audience, "I'm here to make 
you happy..not bittersweet." ) Indeed she did!!


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