let me try that again...hello all !  seems like the joni mentions these days 
are becoming more and more frequent. i was watching " once and again " the 
other night and was quite pleased when the subject of joni came up. a 
teacher, played by eric stholz, announces that he will be the advisor of the 
gay/straight alliance.  two of his high school pupils are speculating as to 
whether he is gay. one says she doesn't think so and the other replies " oh 
come on, he's single and listens to joni mithchell, of course he's gay ! " ( 
i've just been reduced to a stereotype !!! ) that's not an exact quote but it 
is the gist of what was said.  i got a good chuckle anyway...later

single, gay and listening to joni,
warren keith

p.s. did anyone see the  VH1 special " the corrs: live in dublin ?" i was 
truely mesmerized!!!  their harmonies were heavenly, i guess it's true what 
they say about voices from one family. i stopped and bought  the CD on my way 
home for lunch today. speaking of things irish, anyone else have corned beef 
and cabbage yesterday ?

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