In a message dated 3/19/02 11:04:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<<As Kakki pointed out, I think all the jmdlers
who were there show up at least once.>>

Thanks Kakki and Steve for letting me know where you were seated.  I managed 
to find just about all the jmdlers there.  You can see Wally B and J.J. quite 
a bit, and a couple of good shots of Pearl.  Mr. Dulson, I spotted you 
swaying back and forth between Ken Corral. and Jill Tamada :)   I finally saw 
Leslie and Steve Mixon, and then our list master Les. I couldn't find 
Phyllis, and I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Cathering T. yet, so I 
don't know what she looks like.

It was great to come home from work early and see PWWAM again.  It really is 
a great video! How wonderful for all of you who attended.


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