In a message dated 3/23/02 11:10:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Walt,I believe At Seventeen came out about  1967 or 1968.  I know I was in 
grade school.  It wasn't until years later that I could relate to
this song. >>

No, that would have been when her first two or three ablums came out, around 
the time of "Society's Child".  I'm pretty sure her "adult" career started 
with the album that had "Stars" and Jesse" on it (yes, called "Stars", from 
'74), and then exploded with the "Between the Lines" album, with "Seventeen" 
on it (from '75).

...Just checked my "Rock Hound", and my memory was correct.  Janis has had 
three careers, in a sense -- her kiddy albums (three of them, I think, all in 
the '60's), then a transitional album which I once had "Present Company" 
(1971), then her *first* adult phase, mostly in the '70's, then she sort of 
retired in the '80's, then she came back (and out) with a bang in the '90's 
with "Breaking Silence" in '93 and everything since.

Oh, and speaking of being a geek in high school -- since I was assumed to be 
sexless, it never occurred to anyone that I might be gay, which saved me 
further humiliation.  I shudder when I think how kids who couldn't hide their 
non-standard sexualities were treated.

Geek-hugs and peace to all,


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