Hey, big brother Wally,

Just watched a National Geographic thingy about the Peninsula Valdez 
(Patagonia), and the lonely Park Ranger there named Roberto (I didn't hear a 
last name) who, I guess, works for the Argentinian government, keeping people 
away from the seals and their pups, and the Orcas who actually sort of beach 
themselves in order to snack on them (mostly the pups, who start playing too 
close to the water at about three months).

The guy was devastatingly handsome, bearded, sweet, and if the young woman 
sent by NatGeo didn't nail him, I hope the cameraman got a shot at him!!!

Oh, also, two of our local jmdlers (one a semi-lurker, and the other a true 
lurker) had big days yesterday -- one, Richard G., had his picture in the 
paper with his kitty cat of 19 years, Josh, in a story about a local 
organization that helps people with AIDS keep their pets, and another, John 
G., who turned 30-something -- I did the 3rd-Assistant-Birthday-Fairy-thing 
for him, even found a Birthday Fairy birthday card to send to him via snail 

Reporting in, SIR!



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