> As you say, wonderful acting by Haley Joel Osment.

I find it a amzing that child can act like this. 6th Sense, Pass It
forward or Pay it back whateevr it was called, and this one. Where does a
child get this from? Must be inborn.

> The
> Jude Law character/android was vaguely interesting,
> but I didn't get the point of it either, esp. the end.
> All I can say is, if you see it as a fairy tale
> (Pinocchio, Hansel & Gretel, that kind of thing, lost
> babes in the wood), then it kind of works. (but not
> really.)

no not really, i agree. It was a robot. that was it.

> I think when the mix of Kubrick/Spielberg/
> weird/cute just doesn't work. I also find myself
> asking myself "when is it going to be over?" is a sure
> indicator that the film has lost me (and is too long.)

I wasn't that bored by it just didn't get it.

The only tiem I felt anything was when they were making a side show of the
destroying of the robots. Fairly typical human behaviour.

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