From: "Sharon L. Buffington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: nexus Nixon NJC
> I had a laughing fit over this article from the Washington Post
> concerning the Nixon tapes especially the nexus between drugs,
> homosexuality, communism and, of course, Jews.

Hi Sharon,
I look at it this way: Jews invented Christianity, yet Christians have
killed Jews for 2000 years.
Jews invented Communism yet Communists persecuted Jews.
I'm surprised no one is blaming us yet for the A-bomb, after all without
Einstein it couldn't have been made.
This reminds me of an old joke:
5000 years ago came the 1st Jew, Abraham, who said  the key is what you
believe (i.e in the head)
Then 3000 years later came another Jew, Jesus, who said the key is to love
(i.e in the heart).
Then 1800 years later things started moving faster: First came Freud, who
said the key is below the belt.  Then came Marx, who said the key is in your
work (i.e the hands, sorry for the simplification)
Then came Einstein who said it's all relative.


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