<<I thought it was a sweet night in a very
beautiful new theater.>>

Totally agree. Classy in every way, and that theater is gorgeous! I didn't go a very 
good job of predicting the winners, but I'm glad for all who did take home the prize. 
I just saw Monster's Ball last week, and Halle is powerhouse, besides being the 
sexiest woman on the planet. Denzel's award was deserving, I thought Oscar would find 
his role too negative, but I'm glad they didn't. 

Sydney Poitier...how eloquent. My only response was to cry. And I thought the Woody 
Allen piece was also very touching; put his fetish aside and focus on his body of work 
and it's pretty impressive.

And yay for Randy...the Susan Lucci of Oscar songs finally gets his due, even though 
none of the songs last night were very noteworthy.


NP: RLJ, "Jolie Jolie"

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