In case anyone is interested, I emailed Bob Bobbing, who is producing the subject Jaco 
project, re: Joni's impression of Jaco's piano playing.  Here's his reply:

>Hello Julius,

>Thanks for your interest in "Portrait of Jaco! " Stay >tuned for the availability 

>In reference to Joni Mitchells comment about Jaco's >piano playing, I visited her at 
>her home and talked >about Jaco with for over a period of two days and
>she didn't make note of Jaco's ability on the piano. >This doesn't mean that she 
>didn't make the comment >though! Jaco was a great piano player in my
>opinion especially his voicings. I do have several >cassette recordings of Jaco's 
>that are of him just >playing piano mostly writing. Maybe someday an
>edited version of these recordings could see the light >of day.

>Bob Bobbing    

In a message dated Sun, 24 Mar 2002 11:19:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, Julius Raymond 

> Fascinating.  I can't wait to have this.  The notes on the website say that
> the cds feature "rare" least one with Joni.
> I recall Joni being as impressed with Jaco the pianist as with Jaco the
> bassist.  Who could be a better authority?  Where are the piano recordings,
> I wonder?
> -Julius
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Les Irvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 6:48 PM
> Subject: Jaco... the early years. njc
> > Soon to be available on CD:
> >
> >
> > More info:

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