--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> <<I also thought the Oscar's were very well done. I almost never
> TV at 
> all, but I know someone that was up for Best Documentary, so had to
> watch for 
> him. Alas, the film didn't win, but is a fantastic documentary. Check
> it out 
> if you see it come 'round to your neck of the woods. The film is
> called 
> "Promises" and it interviews kids in Israel, on both sides of the
> conflict. 
> BZ did a great job on this movie, and I'm real proud of him.>>

Ashara, Ive heard reviews of this film and it sounds fantastic! I look
forward to it. I suggest that you see No Man's Land, the film that did
win the award for Best Foreign Film. I saw it with a good friend and
work colleague who moved here from Bosnia a few years ago, completely
uprooted his family, left everything behind to establish a 'new' life.
He has seen the film and said it is very, very real. And not your
typical war film either. (not like Saving Private Guts at all, if you
catch my drift). ;-)

The message throughout is profound and the ending left me completely
speechless and in tears. (yea, Mags cries easily ;-) but this is
really, really heartwrenching). The film evolves around one situation
which becomes so tense, so riveting! The film is astounding and the
message is subtle and not, the effects are long and lasting . Talk
about seeing life from 'both sides now'. I cried and actually felt the
pain, the frustration, the futility of a situation that no one could do
a damned thing about. That was a given. Hard to explain and I certainly
do not want to give any of it away. If you havent seen it, please do. I
highly recommend it. 

I am an Oscar junkie from way back. I love to see who is wearing what,
who is with who and all that mind candy stuff. And then there's the
real reason why I love to watch the Oscars. Underneath all the glitz
and glamour resides the 'why' I go to films in the first place. 
Sometimes I go to forget, to remember, to feel or not. Imagine being a
director or an actor, or a film maker, having that opportunity to speak
in that way. I like taking pictures of people for the same
reason..there is something about the expression that film allows that
really moves me. Capture a moment on film, catch that light ... mmmm
love it. 

For me, film is such an exciting aart form. Through the eyes of the
writer, director, producer (etc) we are swept away to spaces inside and
outside of our selves. Film touches so many of the senses, and since I
am such a visual person, well, suffice to say that films mean more to
me than my words can express. 

As a life long fan of Sidney Poitier, I was moved to tears when he
spoke. He is such an elegant, intelligent, talented man whose work I
have admired for many years. 

Mags soon to be in E.S.C. ;-)

np: Song for a Winter's Night, 
Gord Lightfoot, from Gord's Gold
thanks sweetie ;-)

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards.

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