I can't play but I cringe at sing-songy meter.  Joni never, ever does that.
I'm talking about text that has the perfect number of syllables and relies
so heavily on cliches that you can spot the rhymning word as they're setting
it up with the previous line...... the first time you hear the song.  For
example, there's a completely predictable song about closing time at a bar.
Fill in the blanks..... if you can:

"Closing time.
 One last call
 for ___ - __ - ____,
 so drink up your whiskey or beer.
 Closing time.
 You don't have to go home
 but you can't.... stay....  ____."

If you said "alcohol" and "here", you qualify for as a songwriting whiz in
the brave new world.

Not that I can write songs, mind you.  No, my specialty is *criticism*.
<smecking at myself.  I'm so clever.>  "smecking" is from A Clockwork Orange
if I recall correctly which is never a safe assumption.  Did I already say
that?  hee hee


Owen said,
[ps Im a musician so I can tell a lazy/contrived/cliched chord progression
melody when I hear it!]

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