--- Suze Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> <<Speaking of birds, we have yet to see a robin and it is now the
> second week of April.  Snow still on the ground and  temps each day
> in the forties.  You folks in Wisconsin getting this too?  I am so
> ready for spring!>>

wow Sue, temps in the forties...that's hot! ;-) Spring has been slow in
coming to this area of Canada too...we had a fairly major snow storm a
couple of weeks ago and finally the rain has washed it all away...the
air is warm today...and it sure feels like spring. 
> <<It is scary but as I have gotten older I have come to appreciate
> beauty of birds.>>

me too...my bird of choice is a hawk. Mesmerized by them when they fly

  <<Is there some significance
> here?>>

I've wondered that too. 

  <<This past summer there was an osprey (sp??) who
> nested on one of the channel markers where we frequently
> boat.  It was only in the nest once, but man was that
> cool to see such a unique bird up close.  >>

the most impressive bird moment I've experienced was out in BC (Hi
Stephen!) . While driving down the road, I saw a bald eagle just
sitting on a post about three feet away . Incredible!!!! (guess she was
up visiting from the US). 
> <<Rambling this morning, sorry!>>

no worries, it's that kind of day. Ramble on . 

and Victor...I loved your enchanting bird story. Wishing you all the
happiness you deserve :-))

np: birds outside my window and I dont mind at all..and yea Sue, havent
seen a robin either.

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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