Perhaps the arrangement will be a S-L-O-W tempo. A sort of 
recitation...Anyway, I was surprised also to see SK on the list, but 
whatever, can't wait for this album, I mean CD.  BTW, the idea of releasing 
the new recordings as two separately released discs is totally screwed up. 
Some of the marketing decisions that company makes are unbelievably stupid. 
Maybe they want to see if the first one flies before they commit to a second. 
Or maybe they'll come to their senses and release them together.

Now sex with Gino, that would kill. Anyway, I've always liked him too, though 
of course his lyrics pale in comparison to JM's. He has a fantastic voice. I 
hear he lives in Portland, OR now. His web site (have lost the address) is 
not updated too often.


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