Kate wrote:

>the other day i saw a bluebird which i thought was unusual...its the jays
that are so common around here...

That IS unusual - they are usually only found in Northern California or
maybe way up high in the mountains.  Have you heard about the blue jays on
Santa Cruz Island?  Because they have no predators there they have become
giants, two to three times larger than those on the mainland.  It's a
crackup to see them - they almost look like blue pheasants!

My best friend is a complete bird nut - always with binoculars wherever she
goes.  One time while she was visiting LA she said "look a flock of
parrots!"  I thought "yeah right" but sure enough they were.  There are
thousands of them and other tropical birds on the loose in LA - domestic
escapees and runaways who have found each other and flocked together!


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