Erica wrote:

>If I could spend the rest of my days living in the Joni song of my choice I
>think it would most definitely be "Ladies of Canyon". Annie, Trina,
>Estrella, and I pouring music down the canyon. I could get used to that!
>What do you think? Which lovely tune would you reside in?

Interesting question!  Here are my picks:

"Let's not talk about fare-thee-wells now
The night is a starry dome
And they're playing that scratchy rock and roll
Beneath the Matalla moon"

"Young love was kissing under bridges
Kissing in cars, kissing in cafes
Walking down Main Street
Kisses like bright flags hung on holidays"

"Once in awhile
In a big blue moon
There comes a night like this
Like some surrealist
Invented this 4th of July
Night ride home"


NP - Indigo Girls - Swamp Ophelia

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