In a message dated 13/04/02 08:04:18 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>  Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:54:49 +0100
>  From: "owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Joni at the Beeb and the Hippie Movement
>  Hey guys,
>  Did anyone else think Joan came across as a little humourless on that 
>  programme? I know everything is made in the editing process but I would've
>  liked to have seen a flash of that wicked grin! 

Yes, I didn't think she was at her best. She looked tired and a little bored 
by the whole thing to me. I imagine she finds it a little tedious to be 
questioned about just that very short period in her life when she would 
probably prefer to talk about, what she considers to be, far more significant 
periods. The only time we glimpsed the wicked grin was at the end of her 
rendition of BYT at Woodstock (I think).

Thought overall that the
>  show put her over well though, she looked so cool singing 'Woodstock' at 
>  Isle of White festival - I'm in the unfortunate position of having seen
>  little of Joni on TV (save for the 'Last Waltz' and PWWAM), so little
>  moments like this are enought to thrill me.

Joni did get more coverage than I expected in the program. Sadly, it will 
probably have served to enhance peoples opinion that she only ever sang BYT, 
Chelsea Morning and Woodstock. Still we do have to be grateful for what we 
got I suppose. As someone else said, there was some interesting stuff in the 
program, especially Arthur Brown's interview.

 In fact, the whole hippie
>  movement got me thinking. I believe I'm right in saying we need artists 
>  are going to believe in something and say something about it to my
>  generation. I always considered myself a cynic, but when I see we have
>  amoral governments chasing votes and an amoral media just selling and
>  selling all the time (unattainable beauty, lifestyles etc.), I start to 
>  that hippie idealism creeping through!
>  Peace,
>  Owen
>  p.s I blame Freud for the state of the western world, all that stuff about
>  self self self - no wonder nobody looks at the bigger picture!
Comments from psychologists please!


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