lol...okay, i guess once a hippy always a hippy...but jeff claims to be a
beatnik...michael, i hope by the time you read this you are feeling much
much better!

it was sooo great seeing kakki & julius for the afternoon...& we had a
really sweet afternoon of music...sitting on the lawn of the el encanto

a piano player opened the show whose name i forget, then kenny edwards & tom
kell did a set with a bass player (forget his name)...kenny is a guitar
player/bass player/producer/songwriter who has played with many folks...he's
the one who introduced karla to linda ronstadt (who was the first to sing
karla's songs)...tom is someone i'd never heard of but turns out he is a
fantastic singer/songwriter & a friend of kenny (kenny produced tom's
cd)...kenny & tom took turns playing their songs & sang & played on each
others songs...all of us were were really knocked out by every one of their

then karla came up to play...she looks & sounds so beautiful!...really it is
as if no time had passed at all...she played guitar & keyboards...kenny
played guitar & bass & sang harmonies with her...what an amazing catalog of
songs she has & she played many of my favorites- Home, If He's Ever Near,
Someone to Lay Beside Me, Isn't It Always Love, Falling Star...

the concert felt not so much like a concert but like we were at someone's
private garden party & julius, kakki & i ended up chatting a bit with both
karla & kenny & the show's producer afterwards...

i've been a HUGE fan of karla ever since she released her debut record...&
i've always loved her own versions more than other people's versions of her
songs even though she has had some amazing people singing her songs...bonnie
raitt, linda ronstadt, nicolette larson, wynona judd...

its weird but throughout the years several different people have told me
that i should connect with karla somehow but i never knew how that might
happen & never really tried ...but all of a sudden today we connected & it
was like like talking to someone i'd just met at a friends funny that after all these years it just fell so naturally
into place...

here's the joni content: i bought karla's cd (the best of) & in the liner
notes it says: "while in the 10th grade karla began playing music with her
sister lisa in a joni mitchell-influenced folk duo...

here's karla's tour schedule-

np: karla bonoff - home

>>Former??????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm........That threw me! LOL! Say hi to your
hippie husband as well and hope you have a great time with Kakki and Julius
who called me this am when they were on their way up to Santa Barbara to see
you and Karla Bonoff. What a treat!!!! Here I am at home with some kind of
dreaded flu bug and you guys are over there having a wonderful time. Ok I AM
jealous but wish that you all have a beautiful day together.

Love Paz<<

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