Hell ... congrats on making this decision! Here are a couple of links I
found, having spent a lot of time on this very issue myself.  Hopefully
they help guide you in the right direction. Best of luck to you...it is
very exciting!!! 



love, MagsnBrei
counting the days ;-)

--- hell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks
> Sorry to take up band-width, but I need some help.
> I'm planning on relocating to the USA (hopefully permanently) within
> the next
> year or so, and was wondering if there are any listers out there that
> could
> give me some advice on work visas, green cards, etc.  I won't go into
> details
> at this stage, but I work in the IT industry, in a relatively
> sought-after
> area of expertise.
> But I have no idea how to start the ball rolling, so any help (legal,
> emigration-related, employment-related or otherwise) would be greatly
> appreciated!
> Thanks in advance.
> Hell
> ____________________________
> "To have great poets, there must be
> great audiences too." - Walt Whitman
> Hell's Personal Photo Page:
> http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~hell/main/personal.htm
> Visit the NBLs (Natural Born Losers) at:
> http://www.nbls.co.nz

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax

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