I rec'd the demo CD from Henning Olsen this weekend...he's the guitarist & catalyst 
for "Big Yellow Taxi", the Joni tribute group from Denmark mentioned here not too long 

This demo is great! Henning and Christina do fairly straightforward takes on Chelsea, 
BYT, and BSN, and an outstanding reading of Sunny Sunday, which is a pleasant surprise 
as it's definitely not a common choice. (Europeans seem to have a greater respect for 
Joni's later work in terms of covers I've noticed). Rounding out the demo is the 
highlight as far as I'm concerned, their version of Black Crow which is an energetic 
arrangement and very well done. Some of you guitarists out there will find yourselves 
inspired by this version, I do believe...

Henning & Christina are making their plans tonight to make it to the Jonifest in 
August. They're also planning on going in to the studio along with another ace 
guitarist and some extra players to record a proper CD of Joni songs (plus a couple of 
originals) to help market themselves in the states. Henning has been very encouraged 
by we JMDLer's who have visited the site and made contact. So if you're on the fence 
about coming to the Fest this year, here's another reason why you don't want to miss 

I've been playing this demo as soon as I get up each day...after all, nothing like a 
fine Danish to start the morning, yuk yuk yuk...(sorry).

If you haven't checked them out yet, they are easy to find at:



NP: Dave Matthews Band, "If I Had It All"

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