Lindsay Moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>While channel surfing tonight, I happened upon Diane Sawyer interviewing
>Rosie O'Donnell and for some reason continued to watch it (why, I don't
>know.  I don't really care that much about Ms. O'Donnell) ...
> ...' and then they cued up a small excerpt from BSN!  For once, watching
>crap TV paid off.

Yeah, it was great to hear that Joni excerpt, not to mention hearing Wayne 
Shorter on mainstream TV.

But this wasn't crap TV, and possibly you should care about Ms. O'Donnell. I 
know that my opinion of her zoomed way up learning that her unflagging 
efforts to overturn Florida's archaic law against adoption of children by gay 
parents seem to now be paying off. Two state senators have introduced a bill 
to void the law, and her very visible activism, both on "crap" TV and in 
several full page newspaper ads, had a lot to do with this. I applaud her, 
and wish every celebrity would use their fame as effectively for social good.


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