Bob wrote:

>Joni's view of "Priests" is certainly not very respectful...besides this
pornographic priest, we get the >priest who has impregnated Bridget in
"Magdalene Laundries" and "The Priest" who we first meet in >the airport
bar. Anybody up for talking about THAT one?

I'll bite ;-)  As a very nominal but loyal Catholic I have never once been
offended by Joni's takes on the various and dubious priest characters in her
songs.  One of the biblical passages that has always meant the most to me is
the one that says to the effect "be a respecter of no persons."  To me, that
means to never hold any human above anyone else and certainly not to exempt
them because of their position (in my experience this as also a strong Irish
cultural stance ;-)  If Joni only picked out RC priests I might look askance
at her, but she takes on everyone who is in a position of power and who
might use their influence for ill.  I love that about her and she follows in
a long line of great moralists (in the best sense) in this regard.


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