The other day, I went and picked up some Chinese food, and took my lunch
down to the river.  I sat eating in silence for awhile, simply enjoying
being by the river, beneath the trees, feeling the cool, spring breeze. 
After about ten minutes, I looked out on the river and saw a single
Mallard duck, all by himself, swimming upstream against the current,
beautiful green and brown feathers.  I remember thinking to myself, who
is this duck and where is he going?   I wondered about it more that night
and other days as well.  For some reason, I was really curious about this
duck.  Now I know where he was going.  Victor        --- Victor Johnson---
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses wait for the springtime,They sleep beneath
the ground.They hear March winds a callin'For the sun to come around."vlj Visit 

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