Although not 30 years her junior, the two 
exceptions to this are Shawn Colvin and Jonatha Brooke; their best work is 
better than most of post-Mingus Joni, and stands up to her own best. Need I 
qualify this as just my opinion?

- -Fred

fred, i don't beleive joni vs. shawn is an apt comparision. ( i'm not 
familair with 
jonatha !) don't get me wrong, i think shawn is wonderfully and have been 
loving her work since her debut in 1989. i just can't help but notice that 
shawn's work is done mostly with collaborators. ( ie. john leventhal ) few 
songs are written by shawn alone and she doesn't produce herself either ( she 
has co-produced.) most of her stuff has a sole producing credit of, you 
guessed it, john leventhal. by the way fred, i'm not familiar with your work, 
how does it stack up against joni's ?
curiously yours, 
warren keith

p.s. again, shawn is one of my favorites after joni. she has been through NC 
several times and her performances are always excellent !!!

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