<<The three volumes will feature work contributed by California-rock
photographer extraordinaire Henry Diltz,>>

One of the highlights of my NYC trip this weekend was our excursion into Soho on 
Sunday for the 3-day Diltz exhibit. Patrick met Stephen & I at the gallery, and we 
took it all in, and there was a LOT to see. Henry was there, wandering around, talking 
to customers about the photo shoots. There were 4 gorgeous photos of Joni, from 
1970-72 era, and of course lots of others of Jackson, Zappa, Neil, CSNY, and some just 
released new shots of Janis and many many others. He had a couple of album covers up 
with the photos beside them. And all of them (autographed & numbered by Diltz) were 
for sale! It was hard for me to resist buying the small size of 1 or 2, but as you can 
imagine the price was fairly steep.

But it was neat to see them anyway!


NP: Eddie From Ohio, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" 9/28/91

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