Ken noticed:
> >>>Now, does anyone notice a static noise in Car On a
> Hill during the
> doppler-effect break in the middle of the song.

And Jim replied:
> Yeah.  There are a couple of spots on C&S that have
> character marks on them.  :)  I didn't pull it out to
> verify but I believe you when you say this is one of
> the spots.  Like your experience, they're in the same
> place on every copy in every format I've ever heard.
> Unlike the jazz world, the pop arena has a lot of
> that.

I find this post interesting in relation to the article that Kakki so very
kindly singled out from the Toronto Globe & Mail from 1969.  Joni talked
about starting with a producer when she recorded 'Clouds' but then deciding
to go it on her own because she felt stifled.  She confesses that the sound
isn't as good as it could be 'but at least I know I'm doing what I want to

So it seems that in 1969, anyway, sonic perfection was not one of her goals.
Kakki was right.  This is a very interesting article and it seems that many
of Joni's characteristics as an artist back then are still very much part of
her makeup today.

Mark E in Seattle

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