Kakki wrote:

>The authors conducted a number of exclusive and candid interviews with
>musicians and associates of CSN, including:

Mike Finnigan - pianist played in a lot of Bay Area bands, including his
own "Mike Finnigan and Friends."

Charles John Quatro - Texas (?) poet has collaborated with Steve Gillette
(see below).

Andrew Gold - led Linda Ronstadt's back up band in her heyday, founding
member of Bryndle with Carla Bonoff, Kenny Edwards and Wendy Waldman.

Steve Gillette - singer/songwriter still active on the folk scene.
Joni used his photographer for her first album shoot.

Ian Whitcomb - unfortunately best known for his '60s hit "You
Turn Me On" he's a Brit musicologist long resident in LA. Did
the music for "Titanic" and "The Cat's Meow".

Sam Andrew - Big Brother & The Holding Company.

Tom Ross - a former jmdler, n'est-ce pas?

Tom Campbell - with Steve Gillette wrote the classic "Darcy Farrow."
Steve Dulson        Costa Mesa CA       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Tinker's Own"                      http://www.tinkersown.com
"The Living Tradition Concert Series"   http://www.thelivingtradition.org/

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