dear fellow listers:

After being gone on extended hiatous, I decided to rejoin the Joni Mitchell discussion 
list.  I might as well reacquaint you as to who I am and such for those that might 
have forgotten me.

I am James Phillips.  I live in Urbana IL, USA.  I am 27 years old and openly gay.  I 
live with my husband Patrick.  I play the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric 
bass, autoharp and just picked up the mandolin last fall.  I enjoy music, both 
listening to and playing music.  I also am a female impersonator (or drag queen) that 
performs under the stage name of Symphony Supreme.  I just perform locally and for the 
fun of it.  

I am looking forward to the cd that Joni is recording of orchestral versions of her 
material.  If the re-workings of "A case of you" and "Both Sides now" from the Both 
Sides Now album is any indication, I am looking forward to the new versions of old 

Feel free to email me off list.  I use this email for this discussion list, and a few 
others, but my main email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I also use AIM, MSN, Yahoo 
and ICQ messenger services.  Just type in my email address and you shall find me.  I 
enjoy IM's a lot.  Just tell me your from the Joni list, and it will be cool with me 
if you IM me.

I also have a website, that is a work in progress.  It is  I have to go in there and give it a 
facelift, but feel free to check it out.

I look forward again to be a member of this discussion list.

James Phillips

"All my little landscapes, all my yellow afternoons stack up around this vacancy like 
dirty cups and spoons"
Joni Mitchell

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