Hey if this woman is playing in your neck of the woods, go see her, you'll 
love her, trust me!
If not, read her bit o' history about mother's day and her appreciation to 
the woman who've made an impact on her life. It's really sincere & well 
written! Thanks Nikki for turning me on to Terri ;)

rose in nj
NP: Terri Hendrix, The Ring
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May Newsletter

Tour Dates
Thanks for being patient with us as we are mapping out our dates for the res=
t of the year. We promise to try to get to your neck of the woods (not sure=20=
about Europe right now... but if we go it'll probably be London and the Neth=
erlands). The best place to see where we'll be is to continue to check our t=
our dates section at my site regularly for updates and changes. www.terrihen=

May 10th:
Benefit Concert for the Hannah House and the Inter-Faith Community Preschool=
7:00pm we go on: Duo. I'm honored to be the guest of one of my favorite duos=
, Trout Fishing in America
Riverfront Amphitheatre; Fort Smith, Ark
For information www.superior.com=20
May 11th:
Goodfolk Concert Series:
8:00pm. Duo. 501-521-1812 www.ozarkoasis.com/goodfolk/   Fayetteville, Ark
May 24th:
Call for showtime, I know we go on first. Duo. 708-788-2118 Berwyn, IL
May 25th:
Thrasher Opera House:
7:30pm. Duo. 920-294-4279 www.thrasheroperahouse.com  Green Lake, WI

Fan Appreciation Party
After 12 years of fun with y'all, we've decided to host our first official F=
an Appreciation Party!  We figured our first big bash should be in Texas, si=
nce this is where it all began.  Here are the details:
When: Sunday, June 2, 4-7 p.m.
Where: Cheatham Street Warehouse, San Marcos, 512-353-3777
What: This will be a smoke-free function, with food provided and drink speci=
als.  Hey kids... bring your folks....singing and lots of laughing required!
How: This is a free, private function.  You need to RSVP by going to  terri@=
terrihendrix.com and entering the names of all the guests you wish to bring.=
  Every name will be checked at the door.  Due to limited space, we can only=
 take the first 200 guests who RSVP.  So, RSVP ... ASAP and we'll look forwa=
rd to seeing you on June 2!

My New CD, "The Ring"
All CDs pre-ordered between January and April 20th have been mailed out.  So=
me places (like Europe) take a while longer to arrive. It's safe to say that=
 if you haven't received your CDs by May 10th, there's likely a problem. If=20=
so, please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and we'll take care of you a=
nd your order immediately.
"The Ring" is due out in select stores on June 4th. If you still want to pre=
-order the new CD at a discount, go to the friendly Lonestarmusic's site. Th=
e CD is available there, along with an interview I conducted for y'all to re=
ad.  It's at http://lonestarmusic.com/terrihendrix.asp. And by all means, ca=
tch up on a bunch of other Texas-based artists you may or may not be familia=
r with while you're there.

Tye-dye and Babydoll Shirts=20
Due to the great response to these items, we're taking orders now, and they'=
ll ship out in a few weeks.

Chat Room
Our chat room is fixed and up and running again. Go to the Aquarius section=20=
at my site to find the room.  It's called Chat/Scat.
* * *

Prayer For my Friends
"I'm taking a moment to pray for my friends
A handful of people on whom I depend
Our pathways are different but I love them no less
I'm hoping their sorrows you'll mend
Tonight I pray for my friends
When I don't know the answers and search for the truth
And hope that my judgment will carry me through
I'm so grateful for the people I have in my life
They help me to do what is right
They help me to do what is right
There are people I've loved that I've lost along the way
We've drifted apart or they've been called away
I'm holding them close in my heart here tonight
They're dear to my heart for all time
They're dear to my heart for all time."
Jeff Barbra & Sarah Pirkle
First, a bit o' history.  While the origin of Mother's Day is likely rooted=20=
in ancient Greek or Roman festivals honoring goddesses, our own celebration=20=
probably traces back to 17th-century England, where Mothering Sunday was cel=
ebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. On this day, young men and women livin=
g away from home would return to visit their mothers, bringing with them sma=
ll gifts or a "mothering cake" for the occasion. In 1907, Ana Jarvis persuad=
ed her church in Grafton, West Virginia, to observe Mother's Day on the seco=
nd anniversary of her mother's death, which was the second Sunday in May.  S=
oon, local leaders began championing Jarvis' cause.  The idea of Mother's Da=
y caught on and spread across the continent, and today, we honor special wom=
en all over the world.

Love, appreciation, and gratitude are just a few of the words that come to m=
ind when I think of the women who've had a profound influence on my life. Th=
ey accept me for who I am where I am.  Their only wish is that I'm happy.  L=
ucky? Yes I am. In this month's newsletter I thought it fitting to honor my=20=
mom and my "ring" of beautiful friends. They've taught me a lot over the yea=

Marie Hendrix
(My mom; 2001 Dachshund Club of America, Top Owner/Handler, Smooth Coat Dach=
shund, worldwide! humorist; illustrator; appreciator of nature; deep thinker=
) Be a strong woman. Moodiness isn't an option. You can't control what peopl=
e think about you. The microwave oven was invented by saints but you can't p=
ut men in there. Casseroles can last all week. Leftovers are yummy. Never st=
eal from the cookie jar and lie about it. Make your own bed.=20

Jana Green
(longtime friend who helps me run my business; manages the San Marcos Fire D=
epartment; writer; lighthouse)
Be forthright. Stubborn is good. He who gossips to you will gossip of you. B=
e loyal. A file cabinet is your friend. Watch the delete key 'cause you can'=
t always undo your actions. Humility is screwing up and going forward, and f=
ailure is staying off the horse and not rising to one's potential.
Cathy Fredrickson
(my soul-friend; teacher; poet; dancer)
Being happy is a choice. Life gives you poop now and then, but you can use i=
t as fertilizer OR get a poop scoop and clean your yard. Love your body. Acc=
ept people for how they are. A clean house is sometimes the sign of a misspe=
nt life. The Tarragon spice can be used in almost any dish. You don't have t=
o be the size of a toothpick to enjoy wearing a colorful swimsuit.

Marion Williamson
(guitar teacher; goat herder; composer; farmer)
Success is living life on your own terms without hurting others in the proce=
ss. Musical purists are to be appreciated but not believed. Real musicians h=
ave day jobs, and real musicians don't have day jobs. Folk music is folks' m=
usic. Believe in your art and use boredom as a compass for change. High-inte=
rest credit cards were invented by devils. Do what you love and the money wi=
ll follow (if you don't have high-interest credit cards).

Tammi Hendrix
(my sister; business owner; painter; appreciator of life; melodic laugher; m=
usic lover)
Don't judge. Laugh easy. Relax and open your home. Abstract is good. So are=20=
frosted mugs, barbecued ribs, saut=E9ed onions, and fries. Enjoy the summer=20=
and go to the lake. Care for your pets. You are not what you do.

There's a great quote about a diamond being a chunk of coal that made good u=
nder pressure. No matter what life throws at these women, they all rise to t=
he occasion. Each of them has enabled me to do the best I can under pressure=
 by being there for me through the good times and the bad. Not every day can=
 be grand. Some days are just plain bad. Some shows are, too. I try. I promi=
se I do; but sometimes the show is almost out of my hands. Feedback in the m=
onitors and a sound engineer who is deranged; dry mouth so bad my harmonica=20=
is crazy-glued to my lips; allergies; forgetting the verse and going to the=20=
chorus, while the band goes to the verse, thus derailing the soul train; a b=
ad hair day causing my bangs to be super-glued with sweat to my eye balls; w=
ind in the microphone; rooster fights and chicken wire (yes, I had a gig wit=
h this. The rooster was solo but strutting around the audience at a festival=
. These chicks in the front row egged the rooster on and soon enough my perf=
ormance was a big yoke.  Oh, and it's a given that at shows like this, a mus=
ician I'm fond of and wanting to impress will surely be in the audience!); s=
un shining too hard on the instruments, thus making it hard to tune; nerves,=
 bladder infections (in Texas, bathrooms in backstage areas are a rarity); m=
osquitoes and other bugs at outdoor events; a loud heckler; chasing down pro=
moters who are deranged (maybe kin to the engineer?) only to find that they'=
ve forgotten their checkbook and can't pay me; travel logistics and weather;=
 backstage snobbery; and last but not least, performing with a rock in my so=

In honor of Mother's Day, I celebrate my "ring." They are the sunshine and t=
he silver lining behind every cloud. They prove to me time and again that no=
 matter what I do, they love me for who I am where I am. I used to jokingly=20=
call my mother "the last American housewife" because I was raised during the=
 time when most women were going off to work, so staying at home with your c=
hildren came with a stigma attached. Every road is different, and I'm proud=20=
of my mom for doing what she felt she needed to do to raise us. Every path s=
he took, she did so out of love for us kids. How hard it must have been on h=
er while my Dad was in Vietnam and we all were in San Antonio, holed up on 4=
414 Desert View with chicken pox.

Being a woman is a grand thing. These cherished souls have all taught me to=20=
embrace womanhood, wrinkles, varicose veins, and a little cellulite. It's al=
l part of the fun process that comes with aging and living a full life. What=
 matters most to me are my loved ones and my life's purpose. Bad shows will=20=
happen again. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be. I'm fortunate, though. Be=
cause I have my "ring" who reminds me that there's always a time to laugh ev=
en when you're choking back tears. Who knows what life will throw at us? The=
re are no guarantees. Wait, there is one sure thing: loved ones. Loved ones=20=
who remain steadfast in the changing tides. Loved ones who anchor our hearts=
 as our souls drift and our dreams fray around the edges. Loved ones who rem=
ind us that if it were not for hopes, the heart would break.

Warm regards,

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