Marian, thanks for this you can guess I'm anxious for them to record! :~) 
You should be a part of this group as you're a master of Joni's material. Off the top 
of my noggin, here are some general "trivia" nuggets:

<<Both Sides Now: Written after she read Saul Bellow's "Henderson The Rain King" (The 
Counting Crows' "Rain King" also references this novel). Joni's most popular cover by 
far, there are most likely over 300 versions of it out there.

<<This Flight Tonight: Thought be many to be a Nazareth song, it's a favorite of metal 
bands everywhere.

<<Woodstock: Joni refers to herself as 'the girl who couldn't go', she wrote Woodstock 
in her hotel room while waiting to appear on The Dick Cavett Show. A major hit for 
CSNY & Matthews Southern Comfort.

<<All I Want: She previewed this song on the BBC in 1970, and in its original version 
the lyrics were significantly different.

<<Big Yellow Taxi: Written in Hawaii when she looked out her window, expecting to see 
a tropical paradise and saw a parking lot instead. A good hit for her as well as for 
The Neighborhoods, who peaked at #26 with it.

<<Free Man In Paris: Inspired by and about David Geffen.

<<Man From Mars: A song written Joni's cat of the same name (named because he stands 
up on his back legs and dances), was recorded and released on the soundtrack to "Grace 
Of My Heart" before being recalled in favor of the version sung by Kristen Vigard.

<<How Do You Stop: A Dan Hartman song (he also wrote the 80's hit 'I Can Dream About 
You' and many others) and a single for James Brown, which is how it came to Joni's 

Marian, that's what I thought of initially. If any of this is wrong, I welcome the 
correction! :~)

I would encourage the band to explore &, I'm sure they can come up 
with REAMS of info about these songs.


NP: Charlie Musselwhite, "Watson's Excellent Adventure"

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