"Jim L'Hommedieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Apolgies if I'm the last jt fan in the world to buy
>this disc.  I broke down and bought the abbreviated
>single-disc version and 
>I had no idea this thing was so great!  Everytime I've
>played it I get goosebumps during the funky drum/vocal
>breakdown at the end of "Country Road".  If you've
>never heard it, that will sound hysterical and
>ridiculous, but I gotta tell you, I am a re-confirmed
>When I was a blue-collar middle-American, I might have
>said, "HELL YES!!"
>I guess I'll have to buy the full 2-CD version now.

Yes, you'll have to. It's double WOW!

James is one of the few singers from "back then" who are actually singing 
better now than then (Joni is singing differently, and just as well, but not 
necessarily better). Case in point: heard Stills singing "Bluebird" with 
Buffalo Springfield, and goddamn, that man had a lovely voice. Emphasis on 
"had." Pretty much the same for C, N, and Y, for that matter. And while I'm 
at it, McCartney, too.

But James ... James got even better.


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