Randy wrote:

> I just saw Paul live, and as on his latest, "Driving Rain" his voice
> incredible, almost impossible to believe he is turning 60 soon. His voice
> now is better than it was during some of the Wings era, and rivals his
> Beatles tracks from his 20's. And better than any of the young singers
> out there.

I heard that Paul is going to be on the entire hour of the Tonight (Leno)
show tonight.

> I saw a live concert of CSNY on the tube from their last tour -was
> kind of shocked that Nash's voice was so off pitch and rough,
> considering he has been the least drugged out of the bunch.
> Crosby still sounds pretty good, and Neil is...well, Neil.

Crosby is a living miracle.  I thought he completely lost his voice during
the "lost" years but he got it back and has sounded beautiful for a number
of years now.  Nash's voice is better than ever IMHO - I think you might
have heard him on an off night, or maybe his monitor was off or something.
Neil is always Neil ;-)


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